


About Us

Founded in 2020, Chinese Students and Activists (CSA) Network is a space for Chinese (overseas) students and activists based in North America to meet, connect and collaborate. We aim to support those who are interested in social justice movements through grassroots organizing and capacity building.

Note: We use the term "Chinese (overseas) students" to include both Chinese students on student visas and those who are overseas and self-define as Chinese students but are not international students.



每年,数以千计的中国学生前往美国和其他国家留学。随着中国在过去几十年迅速发展,并越来越多地确立其在该地区和全球的经济、政治和军事领导地位,中美之间的紧张局势加剧,对华人、华裔美国人和亚裔社群产生着实际的影响。在美国,由于COVID-19 期间种族主义以及围绕贸易和全球经济的紧张局势升级,仅在2021年,已报告的白人和其他有色人种针对亚裔美国人的仇恨事件就有 2500 多起。






Why Us and Why Now?

As long as Chinese international students have been in the US, we have always been part of movements for justice– both in the United States and in China.  

Every year, thousands of Chinese international students study abroad in the US and other countries. As China has developed rapidly in the last few decades and increasingly asserts its economic, political, and military leadership in the region and globally, there have been increased tensions between China and the United States, all of which have real impacts for Chinese, Chinese American, and people of Asian descent.In the US, more than 2500 reported cases of hate incidents against Asian Americans by whites and other people of color have been reported just in the last year, stoked by COVID-19 racism and escalated tensions around trade and the global economy.  

Especially in recent moments of protest and uprising around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, social movements that broke out at home and abroad have had a profound impact on Chinese students studying abroad. From experiencing direct or indirect incidents of racism to becoming inspired by the recent Black Lives Matters protests, many of us are interested in social justice movements in the US and elsewhere (e.g., the Women, Lives, Freedom campaign in Iran). We have witnessed that more and more international students and overseas youth want to break out of their comfort zone and participate in various public issue discussions. They also show strong interest and desire in learning more about participating in direct action and community organizing.

But at the same time, we have also observed the common challenges and dilemmas faced by international students who are experiencing accelerated politicization:

many international students who want to do something have little organizing experience.

We are not pro-China and we are not pro-United States.  We believe that much of the tensions between the US and China do not serve the people in both countries.  It is clear that the left-right paradigm is woefully inadequate to address economic, climate and health crises in the 21st century — and what we need is a new path for Chinese international students, the Chinese immigrant community, the Asian American community, working class people of color, Indigenous communities and white progressives and liberals to build something together.

This space prioritizes building the leadership and relationships between Chinese international students and activists. We hope you will join us!